HackerRank CSS Skill Test Certification Solution

In this blog post, you will find the HackerRank CSS Skill test certification Solutions. The answers to questions are:-

Hackerrank css skill test certification

HackerRank CSS Skill Test Certification Solution :-

Q1 :- CSS Animation

❌ .greyBall:hover {transform: scale(2); animate: 500ms;}
✔️ .greyBall:hover {transform: scale(2); transition: 500ms transform;}
✔️ .greyBall:hover {transform: scale(2); transition: 0.5s;}
❌ .greyBall:focus {transform: scale(2); transition: 0.5s;}

Q2 :- CSS Ellipsis

❌ ‘object-fit: contain;’ does not preserve the aspect ratio of the image; it stretches the image to civer the entry width and height of the container.
✔️ ‘object-fit: contain;’ preserve the aspect ratio of the image and makes sure no clipping happens to the whole image.
✔️ ‘object-fit: cover;’ avoids the image getting squeezed, but it could end up clipping the image.
❌ ‘object-fit: cover;’ avoids clipping the image by sacrificing the aspect ratio.

Q3 :- CSS Object-Fit

❌ {white-space: pre-wrap; overflow: ellipsis; }
❌ {text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: wrap; visibility: hidden;}
✔️ {white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis}
❌ None of the above

Q4 :- CSS Text-Coloring

❌ :root{–test-color: red;} p{color:–test-color;}
❌ :root{–test-color: red;} p{color:var(–test-color);}
✔️ #tagId {color: red;}p{color:blue;}
✔️ p{colorLred !important;} #tagId{color:blue;}

Q5 :- CSS Selection

❌ p{cursor-event: none;}
❌ p{pointer-events: none;}
✔️ p{user-select: none;}
❌ None of the above

Q6 :- CSS Input-Placeholder

❌ input::placeholder{visibility:clip;}
✔️ input::placeholder{color: transparent;}
❌ input::placeholder{display: none;}
❌ input::placeholder{visibility:hidden};

Q7 :- CSS Centering

❌ .parent{display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;}
❌ .parent{display: flex; justify-content: center; align-self: center;}
❌ .parent{position: relative;}.child{position: absolute; top: 50%; ;left: 50%;}
✔️ .parent{position: relative;}.child{position: absolute; top: 50%; ;left: 50%; transform-translate(-50%, -50%);}

Q8 :- CSS Vertical-Align

❌ .heroWord{vertical-align: 25px;} moves the word “Hack” to the bottom, 25px lower then <p> tag.
❌ .heroWord{vertical-align: 25px;} moves the word “Hack” to the top, 25px higher then <p> tag.
✔️ p img{vertical-align: text-bottom;} moves the image to the bottom with respect to the <p> tag.
❌ p img{vertical-align: text-bottom;} has no effect on the <img> tag.

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